Acupuncture for Pain

Chronic and acute pain can be complicated and persistent.  Upon doing an assessment of your needs, we will treat your pain by utilizing a mixture of Acupuncture, Dry-Needling, Massage, Cupping, E-stem, hot packs and therapeutic essential oils for your treatment. Essentially we get to use what ever YOU need!

Pain is the most common reason Americans seeks medical care. Acupuncture is a natural approach to pain relief.

Acupuncture can be used for all types of pain, whether chronic or acute, including sports injuries and degenerative joint pain. Chinese medicine theory supposes that energy, or Qi, flows through all cellular tissue, circulating blood and nutrients to every cell while the removing waste material, thus sustaining a healthy body. An impediment to Qi, arising from an injury or genetic deficiency, can result in pain, discomfort, reduced circulation, and reduced range of motion.

Acupuncture supports the healthy flow of Qi, maximizing the body’s ability to repair itself. Acupuncture improves microcirculation, reduces pain and swelling, increases range of motion, relaxes muscles, improves circulation, increases stamina and strength, and shortens recovery time.

90 min: $195

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Commonly seen Pain and Injuries that typically respond well to acupuncture treatments include:

  • Pulled Muscles
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Low Back Pain
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Tendonitis/Bursitis
  • Shin Splints
  • Knee Pain (unless you are bone-on-bone or have a severe meniscus tear)
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries
  • Cramping & Spasms
  • Rotator-cuff Injuries (unless you are bone-on-bone or have a severe tear)
  • Neck Stiffness/Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Post-surgical Rehabilitation
I received an acupuncture treatment with essential oils. I came to Sage with pain and left pain free. Sage is excellent at acupuncture. I have had several treatments over the course of two years by another acupuncturist prior to coming to Sage, this was the Best treatment I have ever had. I plan to come back routinely for massage and acupuncture.

D.W. - Colorado

Sage, Thank you for your expert advice regarding my health issues and the herbal medicines which have enhanced my physical well being over the past two months. Appreciate your thoughtful listening ear and willingness to thoroughly research my health issue and keeping me informed of the latest procedures. You are a blessing!

L.B - Washington State

I have had several shoulder and back issues over the years from construction and Sage has worked wonders! She has relieved pain and headaches and has been fixing years of abuse to my body. I highly recommend Sage for massage, dry needling and cupping as I have haven't felt this good in years!

T.F. - Colorado

Sage is an amazing healer in so many ways. I have always loved her massage work and now she’s added the powerful acupuncture work.  Want to get well? Go to Sage! She has blessed me in many ways!

S.D. - Arizona